Spring Wanderings Virtual Field Trips
(formerly Winter Wanderings)
These Virtual Field Trips program is an opportunity designed to engage local students in a Zoom-based exploratory presentations.
WIU Press Release: Collaborative Program Offers Zoom Activities for Regional Youth
Weekly Sessions Run February-May
Elementary School Sessions - Wednesdays from 4pm-5pm
Middle School Sessions - Thursdays from 4pm-5pm
High School Sessions - Fridays from 4pm-5pm
Click the links below to view session topics, descriptions, and designated registration link for each group.
Wednesdays 4 PM - 5 PM
February 24 – Bucket Filling & Bucket Dipping
Led by Beth Chatterton
A gentle exploration of these important concepts in an easy to connect with manner. Students will need paper, pencil, markers and a plastic cup they can decorate.
March 10 – Mindfulness & Meditation
Led by Beth Chatterton
A simple and relaxing introduction to these concepts. Students will need a pillow, paper and a pencil, we will be having a scavenger hunt to help them be mindful at home.
March 24 – Weather
Led by Beth Chatterton
A creative and fun examination of this everyday phenomena. Students will need paper, a pencil, markers, and a Ziploc bag.
April 7 – Visual Arts
Led by Beth Chatterton
An exciting and crafty event. Students will need paper pencil, markers, scissors, and glue.
April 21 – Animal Science
Led by Beth Chatterton
A relatable and curious investigation into animals. Students will need paper and a pencil.
May 5 – MCSRA Presentation
Led by Julie Eggleston
Exploration about disability awareness and inclusion for all.
Register for one, two, or all Elementary School sessions using our Google Form at https://forms.gle/9neMZnwXHjh3wLWk8
Thursdays 4 PM - 5 PM
February 25 – Bucket Filling & Bucket Dipping
Led by Beth Chatterton
A gentle exploration of these important concepts in an easy to connect with manner. Students will need paper, pencil, markers and a plastic cup they can decorate.
March 11 – Mindfulness & Meditation
Led by Beth Chatterton
A simple and relaxing introduction to these concepts. Students will need a pillow, paper and a pencil, we will be having a scavenger hunt to help them be mindful at home.
March 25 – Weather
Led by Beth Chatterton
A creative and fun examination of this everyday phenomena. Students will need paper, a pencil, markers, and a Ziploc bag.
April 8 – Visual Arts
Led by Beth Chatterton
An exciting and crafty event. Students will need paper pencil, markers, scissors, and glue.
April 22 – Animal Science
Led by Beth Chatterton
A relatable and curious investigation into animals. Students will need paper and a pencil.
May 13 – Stress Relief Techniques
Led by Julie Eggleton
Discussion and exploration of different things they could do for stress relief. Students will need a pencil/pen and paper to write down their ideas.
Register for one, two, or all Middle School sessions using our Google Form at https://forms.gle/cDbxc4Sy4BPJAu9H7
Fridays 4 PM - 5 PM
February 19 - Leadership
Led by Shelby Carlson
A robust presentation on the development and facets of leadership
March 26 - Health Profession Jobs
Led by Josh Crist
A tour of health workspaces, career ladder and employability skills activities. Great opportunity if you are considering future work in the health field!
April 2 - Horticulture
Led by Wendy Ferguson
Garden cultivation that you can do today! Learn to eat from your backyard.
April 16 - Career Exploration
Led by Shelby Carlson
A wide range of possibilities for those who are thinking about the next steps.
April 23 - Horn Field Campus Adventures
Mindy Pheiffer
A fun filled adventure that introduces an amazing local resource. A virtual climb is just one of the fun components.
April 30 - Work that Matters
Led by Rok Locksley
Ever wanted to make a difference in the world but not sure how to do it? This session will examine many free opportunities available to graduating high schoolers to make positive changes in the world. Learn how to find work that matters to you.
May 21 - Financial Literacy
Led by Shelby Carlson
Getting ready for the next step and need some life hacks to make your money last? This session is for you.
Register for one, two, or all High School sessions using our Google Form at https://forms.gle/PwoStVP3mSD4aJpF8

Download Spring Wanderings Field Trips Flyer
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